What an odd February it has been. Terrible floods in parts of the country again, even our little neighbouring village had some panicky moments when the beck was inches from topping the edge. Then last week we did not use our heating once, now we have had snow and heavy mist - lost our view completely.
This month Kate has given us an interesting selection of words. Trying to think outside of the box is not always easy, but I have tried.
We have two very special ladies in our family - our daughter and daughter-in-law and a few years ago I bought them each a wooden heart each just to show them how special they are.
No trouble finding a topic for this heading. I have a lovely elephant that was originally my mothers' and it always stands on the bookcase next to an elephant picture I took when I was absolutely terrified and thought I'd better take a picture so anyone finding us would know what happened!! (You can check that hairy story by clicking on 'elephant picture'. )
I was moving a book on the bookcase and another, heavy book slid down to fill the empty space and knocked into my poor elephant breaking his ear. (Thanks Bill Bryson and your hard cover edition of 'A Short History of Everything'.) I was so upset but thought I'd speak to our own 'Repair Shop' expert - Kate. She said no problem and returned my elephant a few days later, as good as new!
Repaired and as beautiful as before. Thanks Katie.

Once upon a time there was a family of Nyala who went for a drink at Tembe water hole in South Africa; father, three wives and two children. Someone sitting at her computer miles away saw them and could not resist taking a photograph of six tails, all in a line!!.
Just thought I'd check how far away I actually was...... 8,696.9 miles via Trans-Sahara and it would take me 186 hours, non stop driving. I've done it once as a child, don't think I'll do it again. Think I'll stick to watching them from my computer!!
You can check out that story here. It is the 4th Prompt. I'm not smart enough to just include the one story, sorry.
Sadly I don't have any lovely old keys to photograph, just the keys to our new (to us) Citroen C3 Picasso. Keys don't look like keys any more.
I just had to use this giant knot in a macrame wall hanging I made nearly 40 years ago. (I had no idea it was that long ago till I just worked it out now). B had been transferred and we moved into an enormous house that went with the position, with views that stretched for miles across the African hills and bush. But we did not have enough pictures to hang on the vast walls. As we never can agree what we like I decided to make huge macrame wall hangings using broom handles as the supporting pole. They are long gone but I do have this one left.
So here is my knot or knots as there are 84 strings knotted onto the centre ring alone, as well as the knots top and bottom. This is one panel - there are four more!
My Own Choice
That's it for this month. Now to go and check what everyone else has done with the prompts.