Well, here we are, still living under partial lock down. We thankfully have been able to get out to early morning shopping for the over 70's at a well know supermarket for a few things. It relieved Kate of some of our shopping and then the last two weeks we have been to our local German supermarket to do our bulk shopping for ourselves. Thought we might as well get out before the next lockdown!! What strange times we live in.
List for this month was not easy for me. I have just transferred everything from my old computer to a mini stack but in doing so I have completely muddled up, copied twice, lost then found my vast collection of photographs going back to 2004. There are so many duplicates to delete. But in doing so I have mislaid/lost/deleted my selected pictures for this month. So today I spent the morning searching for them again. I am so used to having our son living close by and he would always do any technical stuff for me but he now lives in Scotland. This time he tried to help using Skype to share screens but found it frustrating as it was slow - him telling me what to do. Then I remembered a friend in South Africa telling me about Teamviewer where you get a month's free use of their programme. It enabled David to take over my computer completely. I just watched as the cursor darted around. Brilliant.
So here are a my selection for this month. Something purple, Shades of green, Starts with F, Still life, Snapped at this moment.. Just noticed - all prompts start with an 'S'. A coincidence maybe??
Shades of Green
The picture of these fossils was taken not far from Lindesfarne at a beach near Berwick-on-Tweed. Scremeston beach is well known for its fossils in the rocks at low tide and found in the rocks further back among the rocks. (Compare the size with a £1 coin.) We love going there, usually just a few dog walkers and a large empty beach.
In my big computer move I came across all sorts of photographs, this being one. It is of my mother standing in front of a giant Baobab tree in Northern Transvaal, or Limpopo Province as it is now known, in South Africa in about 1995. The baobab has huge seed pods which the local children sell to passing tourists. They were the original source of Cream of Tartar. Large trees can contain up to 120,00 litres of water in their fibrous hollow trunks which is why elephants and warthogs in particular chew on the bark in times of drought.
Something Purple
All from our garden a few years ago. This year we have had too much wind and the garden is not very happy. (nor am I)
Shades of Green
I could't decide which so you get three. The first is the Black Devon River in Alloa where our son and daughter-in-law walk their yellow labrador Jess. A few weeks ago a man stopped his car to ask them if they knew that the sewerage works higher up had burst its pipe a couple of weeks back. and everything was flowing into the Black Devon. Jess was hurriedly taken home and bathed, and bathed and now they walk elsewhere!! In spite of this being a proper marked path the council had not put up notices here.
This was taken years ago on a walk with the family. I love the sunlight shining through the trees.

I took this picture of the water wheel at Rutter Falls in the Eden Valley near Appleby. I love all the different shades of green. The white building housed a lovely tea room but today it seems to be a holiday cottage like the wheel house building. Its a shame, the scones were to die for!!!
Still Life ..............without onions!!!
All my teenage years (a very long time ago) my parents had a picture on the dining room wall, opposite where I sat. It was a print of Paul Cezanne's 'Still Life with Onions'. Since then I only have to hear the words 'Still life' and in my mind I continue....with Onions!!!
But not having any lovely onions, or antique wine bottle I will have to use something else for this prompt.
So here is my still life............with scones!! We had tea at the beautiful Rutter Falls tea room and were served the most de-lish-ous scones. The lady told me she uses cream not milk and when rubbing in the butter she lifts the mixture very high to make the scones extra light.
Starts with an 'F'
Again, I could not decide so you get two pictures beginning with 'F'.
Footsteps .......there and back again. Taken on Holy Island, Lindesfarne in Northumberland a few years back. I wonder who made them. Not us.
The picture of these fossils was taken not far from Lindesfarne at a beach near Berwick-on-Tweed. Scremeston beach is well known for its fossils in the rocks at low tide and found in the rocks further back among the rocks. (Compare the size with a £1 coin.) We love going there, usually just a few dog walkers and a large empty beach.
Snapped at this moment.....
I'd been working at my desk and stopped for lunch and as usual put Africam on screen, this time Rosie's Pan. As I opened up there was this herd of female elephants with their babies. So out came the camera ......
My Own Choice
In my big computer move I came across all sorts of photographs, this being one. It is of my mother standing in front of a giant Baobab tree in Northern Transvaal, or Limpopo Province as it is now known, in South Africa in about 1995. The baobab has huge seed pods which the local children sell to passing tourists. They were the original source of Cream of Tartar. Large trees can contain up to 120,00 litres of water in their fibrous hollow trunks which is why elephants and warthogs in particular chew on the bark in times of drought.
The Baobab is also called the upside-down-tree because when bare of leaves the Baobab looks like roots sticking up in the air as if planted upside down. Legend holds that god Thora took a dislike to the Baobab growing his garden, so he threw it out over the wall of Paradise on to Earth below and although the tree landed upside down it continued to grow. Try this link for some beautiful photographs and Baobab facts
That's all for this month. Off to see what others have done. Take care and keep safe all of you.